Super Auto Estimator in 4 Easy Steps
Super Auto Estimator 1.0
A Software for Automatic RCC and Steel Quantity and Cost Calculations from AutoCAD Drawings
Using, Super Auto Estimator Software Quantities can be calculated directly from AutoCAD drawings.
Note that Quantity calculation accuracy highly depends on Drawing Accuracy.
All the Plans should contain required Drawing Components (Beam/ Slab /Walls etc) and should be drawn with Accuracy and To Scale.
Super Auto Estimator also has a facility to 'Create your own items of Estimation', apart from items of Estimation calculated by Super Auto Estimator.
There is no upper Limit of New items of Estimation.
Every Floor can have a combination of Steel /Concrete Beams, Slabs and Columns.
A Floor can entirely be RCC or Steel or a Combination of both.

Using Super Auto Estimator Truss, Purlin, Bracing , Plates and Built Up Section Quantities can also be calculated.
Steps in Quantity Estimation
In order to effectively calculate the Quantities from AutoCAD Drawings the following Steps need to be strictly followed:
Step No 1: Drawing Preparation:
This is the most important step in Calculation of Quantities
Drawing Preparation implies carefully arranging the drawing Components (Beam / Slab/ Column / texts etc in case of RCC Drawings and Plasters/ Walls / etc in case of Architectural Drawings) in their respective layers.
For every drawing component a Layer has been specified by Super Auto Estimator

The Drawing components should compulsorily be drawn in the following Layers:

FOOTING FOOT Footings should be Rectangular or Square in shape ONLY.
Each Footing should contain 4 complete Lines.
Footings can be Uniform or Tapered.
FOOTING TEXT FOOTTEXT Footing Nos should be as close as possible to Centre of Footing and Drawn using 'Single Line Text' option in AutoCAD.
Footing Nos should not be repeated
FOOTING SCHEDULE FOOTSCH Footing Schedule Format to be followed
BEAM BEAM Every Beam should be drawn as Double Complete Lines.
Both Lines of a Beam should be of the same Length.
Main Beams should be complete lines (2 Lines) touching Main Beam /Column face.
Secondary Beam Lines should not Extend inside Main Beam. They should just intersect at the Main Beam Face
BEAM TEXT BEAMTEXT Beam Text should be drawn parallel to beam.
Beam Text should be as close as possible to the centre of the Beam Line.
BEAM SCHEDULE BEAMSCH Beam Schedule Format to be followed
COLUMN COLUMN Columns shall be either Rectangular/ Square or Circular in shape only.
Each Rectangular/ Sqaure Column should contain 4 complete Lines.
Shear Walls also should be broken up into its Rectangular Columns parts and shall be designated separately
COLUMN TEXT COLUMNTEXT Column Nos should be as marked near the centre of Column
and drawn parallel to Longer Dimension.
COLUMN SCHEDULE COLSCH Column Schedule Format to be followed
SLAB SLAB Every Slab be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines to mark its extents.
SLAB TEXT SLABTEXT Slab Text to be drawn near to the intersections of the Slab Diagonal Lines using Single Line Text Option
SLAB SCHEDULE SLABSCH Slab Schedule Format to be followed
PCC (Plinth / Ground Floor Plan) PCC PCC to be drawn in Plinth / Ground Floor Plan only.
PCC lines should be drawn as Diagonal lines.
Staircase Mid Landing Slab SC_ML_SLAB Every Staircase Mid Landing Slab be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines to mark its extents.
Staircase Mid Landing Slab Text SC_ML_SLABTEXT Staircase Mid Landing Slab Text to be drawn near to the intersections of the Slab Diagonal Lines using Single Line Text Option
Staircase Mid Landing Beam SC_ML_BEAM Staircase Mid Landing Beam should be drawn as Double Complete Lines.
Staircase Mid Landing Beam Text SC_ML_BEAMTEXT Staircase Mid Landing Beam Text should be drawn parallel to Beam.
Beam Text should be as close as possible to the centre of the Beam Line.
Riser and Tread Portion STAIRCASE The Central Riser and Tread Portion should be drawn as Diagonal Lines.
PILES PILES Circular Piles to be drawn using Circle Command
PILES SCHEDULE PILESCH Pile Schedule Format to be followed
PILE CAP PILECAP Rectangular / Triangular Piles to be marked as Cross Diagonal Lines.
PILE CAP TEXT PILECAPTEXT Pile Text to be drawn near to the intersections of the Cross Diagonal Lines (Recatngular and Triangular) / Centre of Circular Pile Cap using Single Line Text Option
PILE CAP SCHEDULE PILECAPSCH Pile Cap Schedule Format to be followed
RETAINING WALL RW Single Line to be drawn to mark the Length of Retaining Wall
RETAINING WALL TEXT RWTEXT Retaining Wall Text to be drawn parallel to its Length
RETAINING WALL STEM SCHEDULE RWSTEMSCH Retaining Wall Stem Schedule Format to be followed
RETAINING WALL BASE SLAB SCHEDULE RWBASESCH Retaining Wall Base Slab Schedule Format to be followed
STEEL BEAM CENTRE STEEL_BEAMCEN Every Beam should be drawn as Single Centre Line
Main Beams should be a complete line touching Main Beam /Column face.
Secondary Beam Lines should not Extend inside Main Beam. They should just intersect at the Main Beam Face
STEEL BEAM TEXT STEEL_BEAMTEXT Beam Text should be drawn parallel to beam.
Beam Text should be as close as possible to the centre of the Beam Line.
STEEL BEAM SCHEDULE STEELBEAMSCH Steel Beam Schedule Format to be followed
STEEL SLAB STEEL_SLAB Every Slab be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines to mark its extents.
STEEL SLAB TEXT STEEL_SLABTEXT Slab Text to be drawn near to the intersections of the Slab Diagonal Lines using Single Line Text Option
STEEL SLAB SCHEDULE STEELSLABSCH Slab Schedule Format to be followed
STEEL COLUMN SCHEDULE STEELCOLSCH Column Schedule Format to be followed
HORIZONTAL BRACING HBRACING Every Bracing should be drawn as Single Line.
HORIZONTAL BRACING TEXT HBRACING_TEXT Bracing Text should be drawn parallel to Bracing.
Bracing Text should be as close as possible to the centre of the Bracing Line.
VERTICAL BRACING VBRACING Every Bracing should be drawn as Single Line.
VERTICAL BRACING TEXT VBRACING_TEXT Bracing Text should be drawn parallel to Bracing.
Bracing Text should be as close as possible to the centre of the Bracing Line.
BRACING SCHEDULE BRACINGSCH Bracing Schedule Format to be followed
TRUSS TRUSS Every Truss Member should be drawn as Single Line.
TRUSS TEXT TRUSS_TEXT Truss Text should be drawn parallel to Truss Member.
Truss Text should be as close as possible to the centre of the Truss Member Line.
TRUSS SCHEDULE TRUSSSCH Truss Schedule Format to be followed
SHEETING SHEETING Every Sheeting should be drawn as Single Line.
PURLIN PURLIN Every Purlin should be drawn as Single Line.
PLATE SCHEDULE PLATESCH Plate Schedule Format to be followed
WALL CENTRE LINE WALLCEN Every Wall Type to be drawn as a single line, in a unique Color at various Wall Locations.
Wall Type depends on Wall ht, thk and Unit.
WALL SCHEDULE WALLSCH Wall Schedule Format to be followed
EXTERNAL PLASTER EXTERNAL_PLASTER Every External Plaster Type to be drawn as a single line, in a unique Color at various External Plaster Locations.
Plaster Type depends on Thickness and Height.
INTERNAL PLASTER INTERNAL_PLASTER Every Internal Plaster Type to be drawn as a single line, in a unique Color at various Internal Plaster Locations.
Plaster Type depends on Thickness and Height.
CEILING PLASTER CEILING_PLASTER Every Ceiling Plaster Type to be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines, in a unique Color at various Ceiling Plaster Locations.
Ceiling Plaster Type depends on Thickness.
LOFT PLASTER LOFT_PLASTER Loft Plaster should be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines, in a unique Color at various Loft Plaster Locations.
Loft Plaster to be marked as Ceiling Plaster in Schedule.
PLASTER SCHEDULE PLASTERSCH Plaster Schedule Format to be followed
EXTERNAL PAINT EXTERNAL_PAINT Every External Paint Type to be drawn as a single line, in a unique Color at various External Paint Locations.
Paint Type depends on Thickness and Height.
INTERNAL PAINT INTERNAL_PAINT Every Internal Paint Type to be drawn as a single line, in a unique Color at various Internal PaintLocations.
Paint Type depends on Thickness and Height.
CEILING PAINT CEILING_PAINT Every Ceiling Paint Type to be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines, in a unique Color at various Ceiling Paint Locations.
Ceiling Paint Type depends on Thickness.
LOFT PAINT LOFT_PAINT Loft Paint should be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines, in a unique Color at various Loft Paint Locations.
Loft Paint to be marked as Ceiling Paint in Schedule.
PAINT SCHEDULE PAINTSCH Paint Schedule Format to be followed
DOOR TEXT DOORTEXT Each Door Text to be drawn using single Line Text Option
Door Text inclination has no effect.
DOOR SCHEDULE DOORSCH Door Schedule Format to be followed
WINDOW TEXT WINTEXT Each Window text to be drawn using single Line Text Option
Window Text inclination has no effect
WINDOW SCHEDULE WINSCH Window Schedule Format to be followed
OPENING TEXT OPENTEXT Each Opening text to be drawn using single Line Text Option.
Opening Text inclination has no effect.
OPENING SCHEDULE OPENSCH Opening Schedule Format to be followed
FLOORING FLOOR Every Flooring Type to be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines, in a unique Color at various Flooring Locations.
Flooring Type depends Flooring Material.
LOFT FLOORING LOFT_FLOOR Loft Flooring should be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines, in a unique Color at various Loft Flooring Locations
FLOORING SCHEDULE FLOORSCH Flooring Schedule Format to be followed
BLOCKS BLOCKS Items to be converted to Blocks and then inserted at desired locations
BLOCKS SCHEDULE BLOCKSCH Blocks Schedule Format to be followed
MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS MSC_ITEMS Length of Every Miscellaneous Items Type to be drawn as a single line at desired Locations.
Miscellaneous Items Type depends on Height, Thk /Width and Unit.
MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS SCHEDULE MSCSCH Miscellaneous Items Schedule Format to be followed
CHAJJA CHAJJA Chajja to be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines at various Locations.
LOFT LOFT Loft to be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines at various Locations.
DADO AND SKIRTING DADOSKT Every Dado /Skirting Type to be drawn as as a single line, in a unique Color at various Dado /Skirting Locations.
Dado /Skirting Type depends on Material and Height.
Dado is calculated in M2 and Skirting is calculated in M.
DADO AND SKIRTING SCHEDULE DADOSKTSCH Dado /Skirting Schedule Format to be followed
WALL SPECIAL FINISHINGS FINISHINGS Every Wall Finishing Type to be drawn as a single line, in a unique Color at various Wall Finishing Locations.
Wall Finishing Type depends on Thickness and Height.
CEILING SPECIAL FINISHINGS CEILING_FINISHINGS Every Ceiling Finishing Type to be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines, in a unique Color at various Ceiling Finishing Locations.
Ceiling Finishing Type depends on Thickness.
SPECIAL FINISHINGS SCHEDULE FINISHINGSCH Finishing Schedule Format to be followed
FALSE CEILING FALSE_CEILING Every False Ceiling Type to be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines, in a unique Color at various False Ceiling Locations.
False Ceiling Type depends on Thickness.
FALSE CEILING SCHEDULE FALSE_CEILING_SCH False Ceiling Schedule Format to be followed
WALL WATER PROOFING WALL_WP Every Wall Water Proofing Type to be drawn as a single line, in a unique Color at various Wall Water Proofing Locations.
Wall Water Proofing Type depends on Height.
FLOOR WATER PROOFING FLOOR_WP Every Floor Water Proofing to be drawn as Cross Diagonal Lines, in a unique Color at various Floor Water Proofing Locations.
WATER PROOFING SCHEDULE WPSCH Water Proofing Schedule Format to be followed

Step No 2: Save as DXF
Once the Drawings are prepared for scanning (i.e. to be read for Qty Estimation Calculation), they should be saved in DXF Format using Save as Option in AutoCAD.
Step No 3: Entering Project Details and Schedules

Enter the Floor codes under Project Details Option.
A Floor to be selected as a Foundation, Plinth / Ground, Typical or Roof floor.
Next, Enter the Schedules in Super Auto Estimator Format, either by importing them from Excel / AutoCAD/ RCF/ SSF/ Flat Slab Software or by using Super Auto Estimators user friendly interface.
Schedules shall be entered in RCC / Architectural Plan only if they have to be imported from AutoCAD.
While importing Schedules the Super Auto Estimators Specified Format for RCC + Steel Schedules and Architectural Schedules is to be strictly followed.
In Order to Import Schedules, AutoCAD 2008 or AutoCAD LT 2008 onwards versions of AutoCAD shall be used.

Step No 4: Scanning and Calculating
Go to the RCC+ Steel Drawing Details / Architectural Drawing Details Option, select an AutoCAD's Dxf file for each Floor.
Next click on Scan first and then on Calculate, the rest is done by Super Auto Estimator.
The Quantities calculated can be viewed under RCC+ Steel Qtys and Architectural Qtys Option.
Reports can be viewed in the Reports Option